Roger Stone has crazed meltdown after getting word that Robert Mueller going to indict him

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Robert Mueller’s escalating grand jury proceedings against Roger Stone keep getting bumped out of the headlines by more explosive Trump-Russia headlines. But this week it became clear that Stone’s indictment and arrest are coming soon, as Mueller landed the two key witnesses who appear to be the final piece of the puzzle. Sure enough, details about the criminal case against Stone have surfaced from yet another cooperating witness, and suffice it to say that Stone isn’t taking it well.

Roger Stone’s former protege Sam Nunberg made a big deal on cable news earlier this year about not wanting to testify against Stone, but he ended up doing so anyway. That’s given Nunberg an insider’s view as to what Mueller is focusing on when it comes to Stone. Now Nunberg is telling MSNBC that he expects Stone to be indicted on a “broad charge that he was part of a conspiracy to defraud America, backed up with a bunch of financial charges.” That’s not what Stone wanted to hear.

In response, Roger Stone posted this highly offensive, semi-coherent, and grammatically disconcerting rant on his Instagram account: “Sam Nunberg is both a drug addict and an alcoholic with a very small penis. He was fired from his first job at Jay Sekalow’s legal foundation for drunkenly pissing on the floor in his bosses office. He is both duplicitous and disloyal and anyone who hires him can expect to get stabbed in the back. I know I got him every important job he’s ever had. I Prediction: Nunberg will be indicted before I ever am but will die from an overdose before he can go to trial.” Well, okay then.

There is no indication that Nunberg will be indicted. And for the record, we have no idea what “I Prediction” is supposed to mean. Sam Nunberg is basing his expectations on the questions that Robert Mueller asked him about Roger Stone. Based on what we’ve seen leak out about the witnesses against Stone overall, we’ve come to the same general conclusion. Stone will be charged for conspiring with WikiLeaks and Russian hackers against the United States, and he’ll also be charged for a number of scandals that are unrelated to Trump-Russia, some of which we’ve been documenting.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.