Increasingly senile Donald Trump bets his reelection on a hand he can’t win

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump just keeps falsely accusing MSNBC host “Morning Joe” Scarborough of having murdered his former intern Lori Klausutis back in 2001, even though medical examiners long ago determined that she died due to a heart condition. Now Lori’s widower Timothy has formally asked Twitter to remove Trump’s tweets about the matter, citing the fact that they’re obviously false.

Twitter is thus far declining, and Donald Trump is apparently taking this as a green light to make things even uglier. Today Trump called on “law enforcement” to go after Joe Scarborough, and then tried to meddle in Scarborough’s current marriage. This whole thing just keeps getting more deranged – and now Trump has his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany weighing in on it.

McEnany used her press briefing today to try to spin some bizarre story about Scarborough appearing on the Don Imus show that didn’t even come close to making sense, and surely wasn’t even true. But it shows just how far out of control this nonsensical storyline is.

Here’s the bottom line: this whole thing is disturbing beyond words. What Donald Trump is putting Lori Klausutis’s family through is abhorrent. This shouldn’t be happening. Twitter and others should be shutting the whole thing down. But the reality is that Trump won’t gain a single vote from this. He’s simply so deranged, on top of his worsening senility, he’d rather carry out this bizarre vendetta than focus on trying to improve his terrible poll numbers. Trump is going down in November – but he’s doing a ton of damage on his way down.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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