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It’s always a slow start to a news week when it begins with a holiday, and I hope all of you enjoyed your long weekend if you were fortunate to have one. While this week may be getting underway late, it has the potential to be quite a newsworthy one. So what all do we have incoming?

For one thing, Mark Meadows’ arraignment is set to take place at the end of this week. So if our presumption is correct that the judge will rule on Meadows’ request for a federal trial before his arraignment, then we should see that ruling come down this week. For all we know it could come today. Meadows is likely to lose this ruling, particularly since he botched the hearing so badly. But even if he wins, it’s not going to save him.

There is also the New York court’s pending decision over Attorney General Letitia James’ request for a $250 million summary judgment against Donald Trump and the Trump Organization. We don’t know when that decision is coming down, but it could certainly happen very soon. If James wins, Trump will immediately be in the hole financially. But even if she doesn’t get her way, the whole thing will swiftly go to trial, and James would be almost certain to prevail over Trump in such a trial.

We’re also still waiting for the Georgia courts to rule whether Donald Trump must stand trial in speedy fashion alongside his co-defendants who have requested a speedy trial. There are a number of ways this could go. But again, even if Trump is able to sever his case from some of his co-defendants, it’s not going to save him.

Meanwhile we’re still waiting to find out if and when Jack Smith goes ahead with criminally indicting the six co-conspirators he named in Donald Trump’s latest federal criminal indictment.

So there’s a lot going on. There are a lot of moving pieces. We just don’t know how many of them will end up landing this week. But with so many different things up in the air, it’s nearly a given that we’ll see a good amount of it incoming this week.

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