In plain sight

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

What a strange and sometimes cruel world we live in! Friends, I’ve been deep in thought over these last few days. I’ve been thinking about everythingโ€”how we got here and what we do now that we’re here.

If there is any light at the end of this trump tunnel, it is the fact that Republicans can no longer run away.

The excruciating awful policies that this writer expects the GOP to try to implement in these next few years will be theirs and theirs only. They will be rubber-stamped with republican ink and wholly owned by them.

In other words, the GOP can no longer run from its awfulness. They are now in plain sight. They own this new administration.

In the past, many a Republican has attempted to change history. We didn’t do that, many an indignant Republican has said sharply, usually referring to a terrible policy they were running away from. It wasn’t us!

Well — now they can no longer run. They must stand still and own every awful nominee, every terrible policy suggestion, and every disgusting human being who Trump demands gets through confirmation processes unscathed. There can be no running away from the fumes of incompetence this time. They will have quite a weight for their sagging shoulders to bear.

And that is good for us. Why? We will have midterm elections coming soon. Oh, these months will FLY by. You’ll see. Before you know it, the murmurs will start. Politics never sleeps, my friends. Once one race is done, it is never long before another begins. Politics is the golden sun of horse races and is always front and center, waiting to be talked about.

So yes, we will have all of this on our side because, rest assured, the shitshow that Republicans are stirring up will backfire tremendously, and they will have to own EVERY indecent, inhumane, and absurd policy that Donald Trump and his flaming pile of shit presidency comes up with.

There will be lots of angry voters, and they will cast their eyes around and see the instigators of the crap standing in plain sight, waiting to be voted out of office.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.