“Impotent weeny snowflakes”

In 1962 a mass conspiracy theory surfaced that there was a bug loose in a textile mill that was biting people causing them to fall ill. It was called the June bug epidemic. Of course, I’ve written about the lizard people which was also a popular conspiracy theory. And who could forget Salem? That is a huge stain on our country which most people(perhaps not Alito) remember while shivering in horror at the remembrance.
It is particularly disturbing, then that the Republican party is beginning to fall victim to conspiracies so sickeningly unreal and monstrous, that perhaps we should rename them the party of paranoia.
Perhaps you’ve heard of some of these conspiracies. But the latest one really takes the cake. The conspiracy theory is that Taylor Swift is part of the deep state, and that the Super Bowl is rigged for the Kansas City Chiefs.
This conspiracy theory is obscene and demented, but that isn’t stopping many Maga land from whispering it. The GOP or at least many people in the GOP, appear honestly terrified of Swift. Now, it’s not really a surprise because the Republicans never met a strong woman they didn’t run screaming from.
But the fact of the matter is that many in the Republican party (and it’s not just Maga by the way that I’m talking about). Many in the GOP are starting to sound more like mental patients then like politicians.
Conspiracy theories have been here since the beginning of time. I mentioned a few of them when I started this article. But the Republican Party seems to want to bring us back to the days of Salem, to the days when any woman was an untrustworthy woman.
The Tampa Bay Times had an excellent article about this whole saga, and summed up the GOP paranoia perfectly by labeling the believers “impotent weeny snowflakes.” This conspiracy theory, frankly, surprised even me. I did think that the Super Bowl was perhaps the one thing that could be left in peace. Not so fast I suppose.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report