Donald Trump’s new Attorney General nomination is already imploding

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Donald Trump announced this week that he was nominating William Barr to be his new Attorney General. It was the extraordinarily rare instance of Trump nominating someone who had the skills and experience necessary to do the job. In fact this guy used to be the Attorney General decades ago. So was Trump finally making a reasonable pick, in some kind of belated attempt at rehabilitating his own corrupt reputation? Predictably, no.

The first sign of trouble was when the media began digging up William Barr’s recent remarks about how Donald Trump should be able to order a criminal investigation into anyone he wants, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be required to spend more time investigating people like Hillary Clinton. Nothing works that way, and Barr gave away in the process that he’s obviously not qualified to be Attorney General – or to be out in public without adult supervision. But now the real trouble has surfaced.

It turns out Donald Trump previously tried to hire William Barr to be his criminal defense attorney in the Trump-Russia scandal, according to respected political reporter Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. It got as far as Trump and Barr meeting to discuss it. So now we know that Trump views Barr as someone who’s willing to try to get him off the hook, and we know that Barr was interested enough in getting Trump off the hook that he was willing to take the meeting.

This proves, without question, that Donald Trump has corrupt intent when it comes to his decision to appoint William Barr as his Attorney General. If this hadn’t come to the surface, Barr would likely have been confirmed automatically by the Republican Senate. But now that the Democrats have a smoking gun which proves Trump is trying to obstruct justice with the Barr nomination, it’s going to become scandalous enough that the GOP Senate may have to tell Trump to find someone else, as opposed to holding what would be excruciating confirmation hearings. Barr has been the nominee for five minutes and it’s already imploding.

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