Here’s the surefire sign that Donald Trump’s impeachment is coming

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According to the media, Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are never going to impeach Donald Trump. But according to the words actually coming out of the mouths of Pelosi and House Democrats, the impeachment is already underway – they’re just not going to officially call it that until they’ve secured the most damning evidence and testimony against Trump through the courts, and used it to convince the majority of the American public that impeachment should happen. Today things took a big step in that direction.

Just before William Barr’s disastrous Senate testimony and subsequent House no-show, a Reuters poll showed that 40% wanted impeachment, while a CNN poll showed that 37% of Americans wanted Trump impeached. After the Barr hearings, the Reuters poll jumped five points to 45% – a reminder that televised hearings can significantly impact public opinion in these matters. We’ve waited quite some time for the CNN poll to be updated, but it was finally updated today, and the pro-impeachment numbers have climbed four points to 41%.

The point here is that there’s steady movement upward. House Democrats weren’t even able to get any additional key witnesses to publicly testify over the past few weeks because Trump has been fighting legal battles to delay it all – and yet even without a recent television spectacle, pro-impeachment numbers continue to climb. The latest NBC News poll has a 49% pro-impeachment number; the next time that poll is updated, it’ll likely be the first to show that the majority of Americans want Trump impeached.

Legal battles are being fought to secure the public testimony of Don McGahn, Hope Hicks, McGahn’s former deputy Annie Donaldson, and other key witnesses who can help drive up the pro-impeachment numbers even further. But the fact that pro-impeachment numbers are rising, even while it’s just Trump out there verbally impaling himself? That’s the most surefire sign yet that impeachment is coming.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.