“I’M YOUR MAN” – Donald Trump’s delusions just took a turn for the utterly berserk

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On Thursday Donald Trump was forced to cancel his upcoming press conference, in rather humiliating fashion, after his own attorneys leaked to the media that they thought it was a terrible idea. Now Trump is left trying to figure out how distract from the fact that he’s one week away from having to report to Fulton County Jail for arrest and processing.

Of course there is a Republican 2024 primary debate the night before Trump’s surrender deadline, so he could always try to use the debate as a distraction – if he were up to it. But for anyone who has watched Trump try to give a speech or form a sentence or coherent thought in public over the past year or two, the cold hard reality is that he’s cognitively barely there anymore.

Participating in a debate, particularly with so many other candidates on stage, would only serve to expose Trump as mostly senile on a nationally televised stage. So Trump is struggling with whether to show up to the debate, and he’s also struggling to come up with excuses and messaging for why he might not show up.

On Thursday night Trump settled for posting this to social media: “Many people are asking whether or not I will be doing the DEBATES? ALL AMERICANS have been clamoring for a President of extremely High Intelligence.”

Really? We’re back to that now? Maybe he should try declaring himself a very stable genius again. But Trump wasn’t done ranting, and he tacked on this: “People know my Record, one of the BEST EVER, so why would I Debate? I’M YOUR MAN.”

Donald Trump’s rants are starting to sound like the kind of thing that a fired employee yells as he’s being dragged off the property in handcuffs after he got caught stealing from the company. This is just plain embarrassing for him. And as poorly as this week has been going for him, next week will be even worse for him when he has to surrender himself for arrest. Again.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.