I’m tired of America being held hostage by a family of creepy weirdos

Donald Trump and his three oldest adult kids aren’t just a crime family who have spent years pillaging and plundering everything around them in embarrassingly thirsty fashion. They’re also, frankly, a bunch of creepy weirdos. This past weekend was a reminder of just how deranged, lame, and just plain pathetic they truly are.
First we had Donald Trump, who acknowledged on Twitter over the weekend that he’s “vain” and “insensitive” but seemed to think those are compliments. Then we had Donald Trump Jr, who falsely accused Joe Biden of being a “pedophile” and then later insisted he was only joking, because sure, who doesn’t think false accusations of pedophilia are hilarious?
Then we had Ivanka Trump behaving in such creepy fashion on Twitter, she ended up getting cursed out by the director of The Matrix over it. Then we had Eric Trump, who insisted that the coronavirus is some kind of Democratic hoax aimed at harming his father, and it’ll magically go away after the election. In his deranged mind, ninety thousand Americans apparently agreed to die as part of this election plot.
These people are awful. It’s not just that they’re career criminals, it’s that they’re creepy weirdos. This is the family of psychologically broken lunatics who take you hostage in the horror movie and lock you in the basement as a way of trying to compensate for what’s gone so terribly wrong in their own lives and their own minds. Except this isn’t a movie, it’s real life. And all of America is locked in these creeps’ basement, plotting an escape for November.