“I’m doing really well” – Donald Trump protests way too much as it all falls apart for him

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald Trump is now officially behind in every major polling average, he’s whole number multiples behind in fundraising, and he’s even behind in the narcissist’s favorite metric, rally crowd size. Now Trump’s campaign people and personal allies are leaking ugly things to the media about how they all blame each other for how everything is falling apart.

Trump, meanwhile, wants us to believe that he’s doing really well in the presidential race, because he just made a social media post that starts off with “I’m doing really well in the Presidential Race.”

Pro tip for Trump: any time you have to start off by insisting that you’re doing really well, it means 1) you’re not doing well, and 2) everyone knows you’re not doing well. But Trump insisted on proceeding. He went on to claim that he’s “leading in almost all of the REAL Polls.” What does he define as the “real” polls? The handful he’s still ahead in? What happens a week from now, when he’s behind in every single poll?

Trump is also insisting that 2024 “is thus far my best Campaign, the most enthusiasm and spirit, etc.” That’s laughable by any possible measure. Trump’s desperate yet half heartedly feeble attempt at cheering himself up gives away that there’s no enthusiasm left for him at all. But really, it’s his use of “etc.” at the end that makes it art, because we all know that every inspiring rallying cry ends with “etc.”

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.