I’m as pissed as you are about what the media just did to Biden. But we don’t have time to sit back and stew. WE MUST RALLY NOW.

I want to be clear about something: I’m as pissed off at what the mainstream political media just did to President Biden as you are. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so angry. But you know what? We don’t have time to sit back and stew in our anger right now. We deserve to have that time. But we truly don’t have it.
Today we have a choice. We can abide by Joe Biden’s wishes and rally behind Kamala and win this, or we can sit around angry and let Trump destroy us all. I choose to fight and win. Join me!
And yes we’re going to crucify the mainstream media for this villainy. But first we’re going to rally and win this election. Then we’ll tear down the media and build a new one. But that’s a tomorrow thing. Getting Kamala Harris elected President, in order to finish off Donald Trump, is a today thing. So let’s use our anger as fuel and go win this.
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