I’m 100% ridin’ with Biden – but there’s one thing you have to understand

I am 100% on board with President Joe Biden being our candidate in 2024. Not 99.9%, but 100%. I find these past two weeks to have been highly non-productive on the part of the Democratic Party – an entity which I rarely find fault with. Biden is our guy, and we should be rolling with him. All that said, there is one thing we need to talk about.
It’s not enough to simply get Biden reelected. We also need to win the House and Senate majorities in November, so that Biden can carry out the next steps in his agenda. Without those majorities, he won’t be able to accomplish nearly as much.
We’ve talked a lot over the years about how the House and Senate majorities run directly through a handful of competitive races in the “toss up” column. This time around there are 22 House races and three Senate races that are likely to decide the majority all on their own. In the coming weeks and months I’m going to be promoting the Democratic candidates in those “toss up” races so heavily, you’re going to know their names by heart.
But here’s the catch. Some of the Democrats running in those crucial “toss up” races are not currently on Team Biden. That pisses me off. But you know what? It’s not about them. It’s about winning. I’ve long spelled out that the House and Senate Democratic candidates we have to get behind are not necessarily going to be our favorite ones. We’re getting behind them because they’re the specific chess pieces that hold the key to the House and Senate majorities.
So when it comes to these toss-up races, I don’t care what positions the Democratic candidates in those races have taken about Biden. I just don’t care. I can’t afford to care. We don’t have that kind of time to waste.
For instance, the two Democratic Senators who have most prominently called on Biden to drop out are Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester. So you might be inclined to turn against those two Senators when it comes to their 2024 reelection bids. But if you do, they’ll lose, and the Democrats will no longer have the Senate majority. Are you really willing to screw yourselves out of the Senate majority just to teach a lesson to these two Senators? Nope, not me. I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get Brown and Tester reelected. They can apologize to Biden after that.
Remember, this isn’t about whether any given Democratic House or Senate passes a unity test. We just don’t have time for that. This is about getting President Biden reelected and giving him a House and Senate majority. I would urge all of you to look at it that way. The Democratic candidates in these “toss up” races are simply the chess pieces that we need to move in order to win the majority. So let’s go move those pieces, and give Biden the House and Senate majority he deserves. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report