I love it when a plan comes together

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I know what you’re feeling right now. That’s a rare thing, is it not? To be able to tell what someone else is thinking. It doesn’t happen all that much. However, most, if not all of the people reading this, are likely feeling exactly what I feel. Ecstasy.

It was a beautiful convention, yes? Everything just came together seamlessly. Of course nothing is that easy! A lot of work was indeed put into this. But I ask you this… The love you felt flowing from the stage? Couldn’t you sense The authenticity?

The unity that our convention displayed. Couldn’t you feel how genuine it was? We are at this very moment, a political party, pulsing with excitement, our hearts beating as one because we all share the same dream , and we all know how the dream that we want so very badly, will play out, if we all put the effort in.

This was a week of sweetness, of unmistakable beauty, of new beginnings, of “USA” chants, of the Democratic Party putting its arms around America, and holding her so close. It was a week of fun, noisy days, and perfumed nights. It was a celebration. Now the hard part starts. The next two months, we will be happy warriors. We will move mountains. We will sail across the sky, and we will do it all — ALL of it — together.

Palmer Report will never stop fighting. If you appreciate my work, support me at this crucial time:
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