I knew we’d win this one

There was quite a bit of panicked hysteria across social media this week when Texas Republicans announced they would try to get 100,000 drive-through ballots in Harris County thrown out. But I figured we’d win this one, because the more ludicrously baseless the GOP’s position is, the more likely the courts will rule against them.
Sure enough, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled against the GOP today, meaning that the Harris ballots remain intact. There is still a federal hearing tomorrow, which has led to more panic. But this state ruling makes it a whole lot easier for Democratic Party lawyers to go into federal court and argue that the federal government has no business overturning a state decision. And even if we lose the federal ruling tomorrow due to a rogue judge, it’ll automatically be appealed, and likely ruled in our favor in the end.
Some of you are new to political activism, but this isn’t our first rodeo. The Republicans have been trying to get ballots thrown out in every presidential election for a generation. They have their lawyers, we have ours. We’ll win the majority of rulings, and we’ll lose some of them, as always.
In the end these court battles will only become relevant if the deciding swing state comes down to just a few hundred votes, like in 2000. So let’s get as many people around us as possible to the polls and run up the score, thus making sure this isn’t decided by the courts.