Donald Trump changes his tune about taking hydroxychloroquine as his story begins to unravel

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Earlier this week Donald Trump publicly announced that he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure, in light of a coronavirus outbreak in the White House. He’s since faced sharp criticism for recklessly taking a drug that isn’t for coronavirus, and kills some people who take it. A lot of people don’t even believe he’s really taking it.

Now that Trump has backed himself into a corner, he’s changing his tune in an attempt at getting himself out of it. Trump told the TV cameras today that he’ll cease taking hydroxychloroquine two days from now, because he’s at the end of his regimen. Here’s the thing, though: there is no regimen for taking hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus preventative measure.

It’s not difficult to figure out what Trump is doing here. By claiming that he’s somehow suddenly at the end of his prescribed hydroxychloroquine treatment, he’s trying to make the scandal go away. He’ll be able to respond to criticism by saying that he’s no longer on the drug. And while some are pushing him to take a drug test and prove he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, he can now simply say that he was taking it and he’s no longer taking it, so no test needed.

The problem for Donald Trump is that most people still aren’t going to believe him – particularly now that he’s suddenly claiming that it’s time for him to finish taking the drug. Trump can’t even keep his story straight about when he started taking it. At one point this week he said he’d been on it for several weeks, while at another point he claimed he’s been on it for a week and a half. If he can’t remember when he supposedly started taking it, how does he know it’s time to stop taking it?

We need to raise $1,736 to continue the fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.