The GOP Senate’s Hunter Biden scandal turns out to be a total dud

For more than a year, Donald Trump and his allies have insisted that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were entangled in a major corruption scandal in Ukraine. Not only was the scandal fake, Trump and his henchmen resorted to criminal means to try to manufacture it, and Trump ended up getting impeached for it.
But even after all of that went wrong, Trump’s loyal lapdogs in the Republican Senate still decided to push forward with a sham investigation into the imaginary Hunter Biden scandal. There was a lot of pundit talk about how the Hunter Biden report would be an “October surprise” and upend the election. But Palmer Report pointed out that this was never going to be the case. Sure enough, the GOP Senate released its big report today, and it’s a total dud.
Fox News will play it up, but that doesn’t count, because its audience is already voting for Donald Trump anyway. The mainstream media has shown remarkably little interest in this phony Hunter Biden scandal, which is how we knew all along that it would end up having no impact. To make a phony scandal stick, you either have to be incredibly skilled, or you need the media’s complicity, and in this case the GOP had neither.
It’s worth pointing out that if the media had been this honest about the phony Hillary Clinton email scandal four years ago, it wouldn’t have gone anywhere either, and Donald Trump wouldn’t be in office right now. At least the media seems to have learned a small lesson this time around. But we have to continue pressuring the media to be honest about the fake scandals that the Republicans keep manufacturing every election cycle.