Donald Trump has surreal “human wall” meltdown ahead of State of the Union

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Donald Trump promised he’d build a concrete wall on the border and Mexico would pay for it. When that failed, he vowed to build a steel slat barrier wall fence type thing, and shut down the government in an attempt at forcing Americans to pay for it. That didn’t work either, so now Trump is insisting he’ll build something called a “human wall.” No, really.

No one can quite figure out what Donald Trump meant when he posted this bizarre tweet this morning: “Tremendous numbers of people are coming up through Mexico in the hopes of flooding our Southern Border. We have sent additional military. We will build a Human Wall if necessary. If we had a real Wall, this would be a non-event!”

If we were talking about a normal person, we might be tempted to think he was making a joke. But this is a guy who doesn’t have anything remotely resembling a sense of humor, so we think he might actually mean it when he says he’ll build a human wall. We just don’t know what he means.

Is it possible that Donald Trump is sending all those troops to the border so he can make them stand shoulder to shoulder in place of a border wall? Is he truly planning to hold the U.S. military hostage in this fashion? Or is he just talking about going to the border and holding hands with Eric Trump and Mick Mulvaney?

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