Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown about “human scum” Republicans who are deserting him

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With each passing day, the impeachment testimony against Donald Trump gets even uglier and the polls say that even more Americans want Trump removed from office, and accordingly, a few more Republicans in Congress decide that their best bet it to throw Trump under the bus. For days, Trump has insisted in his tweets that it was only the Democrats who were standing opposed to him. But now a bit of reality has sunk in for him, and it’s not pretty.

Amid growing backlash from some House and Senate Republicans, Donald Trump posted this tweet this afternoon: “The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats. Watch out for them, they are human scum!”

Human scum? Well that’s a little harsh. Keep in mind that this is the President of the United States talking about members of his own party in the House and Senate. Trump hasn’t named names, but we’d imagine he’s referring to the likes of Mitt Romney, Francis Rooney, and other Republicans cans who are trying to find a way to throw Trump overboard.

Donald Trump is clearly exasperated, and worried, by this trend. This is one of his most psychotic tweets to date, and it’s notable that it’s aimed at his own party. As more Republicans decide to try to save their own careers by kicking Trump while he’s down, look for Trump to lash out at them in even more deranged fashion. Notably, at this point there are just enough congressional Republicans speaking up against Trump, he’s no longer able to single them out by name and attack them individually.

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