Huge opportunity to stick it to Donald Trump and Elon Musk

As a writer, I believe writing about one’s own personal experiences helps to bring humility and realness to any article. So please allow me to tell you a brief story about my first experience with money. As a child, I moved from the blue-collar city where I was born, to a suburb I’d describe as upper-middle class. To me, an idealistic, wide-eyed child, this suburb seemed like a big suburban castle, a lavish community where people drove fancy cars and wore fancy clothes—including my classmates.
On one of my first days of school, I was mocked for not having something that was apparently deeply important, a must-have for any child to fit in — Jordache jeans. Ah, you remember those? Designer jeans were all the rage in my childhood. My classmates could not believe I didn’t care, and proceeded to tease me for it. So I went home, yearning glow in my eyes — and begged my parents for new designer jeans.
There’s a lesson here: I was too young to grasp the pointlessness of all of it, how it didn’t matter, and how MEANINGLESS it all was. But as an adult, the cash czars, the ones with money to burn, still have the power to influence many lives including many elections.
The Wisconsin Supreme court campaign now holds the distinguished title of the most expensive judicial election ever. Elon Musk, desperate for his candidate (who is antichoice) to win, has been pouring millions into the race, hoping to once again buy an election for the GOP.
It’s guys like Musk who give money a bad name. But some people heed the seductive call of carelessly thrown around cash. I did as a child. All I could THINK about were those jeans. Musk’s cash can buy commercials, where lies about Susan Crawford will be viciously told. And some will believe. Money can buy an awful lot of lies.
I plan to be relentless until the end of this race. PLEASE get involved if you can. I want so much to win this race. Wisconsin needs us desperately. It’s a purple state, but it is up against an arrogant money machine who, with the morally bankrupt arrogance of the cruel, is seeking to pocket the Wisconsin race, adding it to his list of bought products.
Only it is not a product, and Wisconsites’ lives matter greatly. Let’s show him that MONEY is not enough to buy a race. Please join me in volunteering. In getting the message out. Because we need to win, and we can win — on April 1st.