How President Joe Biden moved mountains

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It was my darkest day of the year. I’d like to share this with you, the reader. I hope it will inspire you and make you even more excited about the future, especially about Madam President. So yes, it was my darkest day this year, a day when I felt immobilized, staring at my garden, staring at the purple flowers, which seemed to weep with me.

It was the day President Biden withdrew from the race. I hadn’t expected it, and I’d been fiercely opposed to him doing it. But he did, and this writer was utterly devastated. I turned into myself, a ball of frozen snow, inwardly cursing, not understanding what was happening.

But sometimes, the darkest of days can also bring the most joy. Less than 24 hours later, that’s what I felt. President Biden, who will speak tonight at the DNC, has given us a priceless gift, showing us again how selfless he was and is.

You see, both he and Madam President accomplished a miracle. He stepped aside without ego. Then she drew the whole Democratic party together and did it as quickly as one would flash a sunny smile. My darkest time became my most hopeful time as a movement was born.

Joy — that’s what the Democratic party stands for. That is what the convention will be all about — joy — effervescent joy — fountains of joy spilling forth the clean, sparking waters of change.

So, as you watch the convention this week, stop and marvel. Marvel at what we’ve already accomplished. Marvel at the unadulterated joy, happiness, and nonstop excitement that are always present when something becomes a movement.

You know that it is, don’t you? You can feel it, can’t you? You hear the earthquake. Don’t you? You see the determination and the wonder. Don’t you?

You know that out of one man’s selfless gift, a movement had been born. And so it rises and rises, and it is not done yet. You will get to see, for yourselves, the beauty, the wonder of our party and of Madame President. You will see it, my friends, all week.

Out of pain, joy can and did come, our cups runneth over with it, a movement rising from the ashes of sorrow, transcending a mere political ticket, and turning into the biggest damn political movement we’ve seen in years.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.