How Allen Weisselberg ends up caving

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Allen Weisselberg was charged with fifteen felonies yesterday. There’s plenty of debate about how much prison time he’s facing, given the unique nature of the charges, but he’s seemingly looking at a couple years at the very least. At his age, that’s daunting. But what if he decides to stick to his guns?

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Signorelli has explained in a tweet how the screws can and likely will be put to Allen Weisselberg as the days and weeks go on: “Manhattan DA has significant leverage over Weisselberg in order to obtain his cooperation including filing more serious charges (racketeering), charging his family members w/ tax evasion including his wife/son, & coordinating w/ the feds for the commencement of a fed prosecution.”

We’ll add that even as prosecutors continue to apply the stick to Allen Weisselberg, they can also offer him the carrot of immunity for himself and his kids. In other words, as the consequences of not flipping get progressively uglier, a get out of jail free card will look more enticing in comparison. Prosecutors can also put an expiration date on the immunity deal – meaning that if he doesn’t take it in time, and he flips later, he’ll end up having to do at least some prison time just to get the deal.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer