House Republicans now have a money problem on their hands

The Republicans have a little problem. I know, I know. That’s the understatement of the year, right?! But the fact remains that they do have this pesky little problem that has cropped up with the ousting of Kevin McCarthy.
Kevin McCarthy does not exactly have a lot of good qualities. However, for Republicans, he was excellent at raising funds for candidates, North, West, and all points in between. Now, of course, he is no longer speaker, so he’s not going to be able to do the type of fundraising he did before. This leaves a problem for the Republicans because, according to POLITICO, Mike Johnson, the new house speaker, sucks Bigley at fundraising.
According to federal filings, Kevin McCarthy’s committee raised over $1.8 million to help Republican candidates win elections. In contrast to that,Speaker, Johnson has raised a measly $12,000. That’s a really, really awful number. I mean, I know Johnson hasn’t been the Speaker that long, but these are really ominous numbers. Johnson is not known to have the fundraising skills that McCarthy did.
Candidates are especially counting on Johnson in New York. These New York House Republicans, who will be ousted from office by us in 2024, are desperate for money. And indeed, when Kevin was the house speaker, they were getting money, or at least a hell of a lot more than they are now.
So what’s Mike Johnson to do? He better do something fast because, I’ll tell you, the elections are coming up quickly.It’s going to be 2024 before you know it. Republicans are going to need someone who has the finger on the fundraising pulse. So far, that person does not appear to be Mike Johnson, or for that matter, any House Republican.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report