House Republicans hatch new plot to take Jim Jordan down

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The House Republicans who don’t want Jim Jordan to become Speaker have tried various tactics over the past few days to try to keep it from happening. They’ve reportedly been staggering their “no” votes to make sure Jordan loses votes each round, so he can’t claim to have momentum. They’ve been refusing to take his phone calls. But mostly they’ve just been letting him run his stupid mouth and take himself down. In case that’s not enough, they’re trying yet another new tactic.

Kay Granger, a fairly powerful House Republican who strongly opposes Jim Jordan, is now attempting to rally House Republicans around a new Speaker candidate. Granger has picked Jodey Arrington, a rather obscure House Republican from a deep red district who has quite a track record of far right extremism.

This serves to drive home the point that House Republicans aren’t rejecting Jim Jordan simply because he’s too far to the right, or too much of an extremist, or any of those things. It’s that they simply hate the guy. Jordan is an obnoxious creep, even by current Republican standards, and he appears to have rubbed his House Republican colleagues so wrong that they’re willing to make anyone but him Speaker. And yet because the biggest psychos are still backing Jordan, they may not be able to elect anyone at all.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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