House Republican throws Donald Trump under the bus in whistleblower scandal

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It’s embarrassing, disappointing, and frankly un-American that so few Republicans in the House and Senate have called out Donald Trump for having tried to criminally conspire with foreign leaders to rig the 2020 election. But when you look past the cold reality that the Republican Party simply sucks, you do see a small but significant trend emerging within the GOP which spells bad news for Donald Trump.

House Republican Fred Upton just came out in support of the inquiry that House Democrats are running into Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal, stating that there are “legitimate questions” about Trump’s actions that must be investigated. This doesn’t mean that Upton supports Trump’s impeachment now (he doesn’t), or that he’ll vote to impeach him when the time comes. But it does mean that at a time when Trump desperately needs House Republicans to come out swinging in his favor, or at least stay quiet, Upton is making a point of doing the opposite.

Upton is in a solid Republican district, but he almost got caught up in the Blue Wave in 2018, when he won reelection by less than five points. He surely sees a scenario in which Trump’s scandals get so ugly, Trump ends up getting ousted for it, and Republicans running in 2020 will then be hounded about what they did or didn’t do to help take Trump down.

This comes after Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger called Donald Trump “repugnant” over the weekend for calling for a Civil War. In addition, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley came out in defense of the whistleblower yesterday. These Republicans are poking tiny, self-serving holes in Donald Trump at a time when they should be finishing him off. But it’s notable that they’re poking holes in him at all. They’ll selfishly oust him in a heartbeat if and when they conclude it’s what’s best for them.

We're leading the fight against Trump. We need to raise $2,931 this week to keep the fight going. Click here to donate $25 or $50 to the cause.