House Republican evicted from his office as Jim Jordan’s divisiveness continues to destroy House Republican caucus

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How divisive is Jim Jordan? Even his own fellow House Republicans seem to truly despise him, given that they’re currently choosing “None of the above” over Jordan in the Speaker of the House race.

Jordan’s unhinged goon supporters (who are also Donald Trump’s unhinged goon supporters) are now dishing out one death threat after another against multiple House Republicans who have dared to vote against Jordan for Speaker. Now things have taken another ugly turn.

House Republican Ken Buck has reportedly been evicted from his office for daring to vote against Jim Jordan. So that’s a new one.

The kicker is that Ken Buck is in a far right Republican+13 district whose constituency is aligned with Jim Jordan’s far right stances, and Buck appears to only be opposing Jordan because he thinks Jordan is that big of a piece of crap. Now Buck’s own district (including his landlord) appear to be turning against him.

How many House Republicans will find themselves facing bitter primary challenges in 2024, or face a difficult path to reelection, because of the damage that Jim Jordan is doing by refusing to drop out? At this point a defeated Jordan simply seems to want to take his fellow Republicans down with him – just like a defeated Trump.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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