House Republican altercation involving Matt Gaetz borders on turning physical behind the scenes

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Just how bad are things getting for House Republicans? Jim Jordan pulled back from his bid to become Speaker this morning, only to reenter the race hours later. Meanwhile Matt Gaetz and his handful of goons are blocking a plan to temporarily elevate interim Speaker patrick McHenry – and his fellow House Republicans have had just about enough of him.

When Gaetz stepped up to speak at a House Republican caucus meeting today, Kevin McCarthy began screaming at him, even as another House Republican was seen “almost lunging” at him, according to Axios. Not only is it embarrassing that this is going on behind the scenes, it’s even more embarrassing that someone within the caucus felt compelled to leak to the media that it happened.

One thing is clear. If someone other than Jim Jordan becomes Speaker, it seems a given that Matt Gaetz will end up expelled. If House Republicans don’t need his vote anymore, and hate him this much, why would they keep him around? Tick tock.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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