House Democrat Dan Goldman puts Jim Jordan in his place

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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It was like a ball of fire. It was blazing and intense, and in the end, Congressman Gym Jordan was left with egg on his face. On Thursday, the House was in the middle of a “weaponization hearing.”

Now Gym has been losing badly at these hearings, as idiots like Gym are wont to do. Still, I doubt Gym was anticipating the Democrat’s secret weapon. Dan Goldman. Note to all politicians everywhere in the world: this is how it’s done.

Since winning his election in New York, Goldman has quickly established himself as one of our best Representatives. He’s a firebrand for the democratic party, and he did not hesitate to go after Gym, making a fool of Gym in the process.

Gym claimed these hearings are about the first amendment. Right. Goldman was quick to challenge him. Goldman began talking about the banning of books. Gym then proceeded to lose his mind. “Will the gentleman yield?” the blue-shirted Jordan screamed. “No, I will not,” Goldman replied calmly.

Goldman then made a reference to Donald Trump, “jailing his former counsel to prohibit him from publishing a book that the president didn’t like.” This, of course, refers to Michael Cohen. And as Gym’s face began turning an even deeper shade of apple-red, Goldman continued to stick it to him.

“The former president literally jailed his enemy, and we’re here talking about Twitter! Twitter!” Goldman said. “Gentleman’s time has expired,” Gym yelled.

This back and forth continued for quite some time, and with every caustic exchange, Gym looked more and more foolish.

These hearings are definitely NOT going the way Republicans would like. It seems that every one of them does make the news — only not the way they want them to. That is because the people aren’t laughing with them; they’re laughing AT them. They are doing this because Republicans are coming across as absolute freaks, and everybody can see it.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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