House and Senate Democrats are lining up to endorse Kamala Harris for President already

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When President Joe Biden announced today that he’s ending his campaign, he promptly endorsed Kamala Harris for President in 2024 and urged his supporters to begin donating to her campaign. Now a number of House and Senate Democrats are stepping forward to endorse Harris as well.

This means that we’re set to see a remarkably united and orderly transition, given the circumstances. At this point it’s difficult to imagine any serious Democratic official defying the obvious and endorsing someone other than Kamala. If anything we’re likely to just keep seeing more and more Kamala endorsements in the coming hours and days, as everyone rallies around her.

There’s going to be hell to pay for what the media just did to Joe Biden. But we will deal with that on another day. Right now we’re facing a remarkable opportunity to enter this upcoming week with a united front and momentum. So let’s give ourselves a minute to pull ourselves together, and then let’s go do this.

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