Protesters confront Kirstjen Nielsen at her home

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Even as Donald Trump’s immigrant child abduction scandal continues to worsen for him, his Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen has decided to make herself one of the faces of this evil policy. That’s increasingly prompting the American public to focus on her when it comes to expressing their outrage. Earlier this week, protesters confronted Nielsen in a restaurant. Now they’re confronting her closer to home – literally.

Protesters located Kirstjen Nielsen’s home outside Washington DC and staged an entirely peaceful but very loud protest outside her front door this morning. By all accounts she was home at the time, and she ended up slipping out the back door. The demonstrators blasted an audio tape of immigrant children crying while being ripped from their parents. So is this kind of thing going to end up helping?

Last night Palmer Report pointed out that Nielsen made a very dumb strategic mistake by admitting in writing that the Trump regime plans to continue forcibly separating immigrant families, despite Donald Trump’s new executive order. We predicted that this would help ensure the average American sitting at home is aware that Trump didn’t actually back down, and would thus remain outraged. It appears activists are continuing to fight back as fiercely as ever.

Kirstjen Nielsen’s mistake last night could also be seen as a sign that she’s beginning to crack under the pressure. She’s been willing to consistently lie on Donald Trump’s behalf, particularly when it comes to rationalizing his racism, dating back to when she tried to cover up his “shithole countries” remark. So it’s clear she has no problem with Trump’s racist agenda. But now that the public’s focus and scrutiny is increasingly on her, can she handle being the face of an American Nazi regime? We’re left to wonder how much longer before she resigns.

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