Donald Trump just got hit with some really bad news

On the day Nancy Pelosi announced she was impeaching Donald Trump, Palmer Report explained that the number of House and Senate Republicans coming out for or against Trump would end up being directly proportional to how much of the public was calling for impeachment in opinion polls.
Yesterday we saw new polling which said that more Americans now want Donald Trump removed from office than don’t want him removed. That kind of plurality was an important landmark, because it placed pressure on Republican Senators to consider whether they might lose their own reelection bids if they fail to remove Trump. Sure enough, Republicans like Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse came out swinging at Trump today, in an effort at insulating themselves. Then the numbers changed.
After Romney and Sasse made their stands today, new polling came out which revealed that a majority of Americans now want Donald Trump removed. Not only do 51% of Americans want him ousted, just 39% of Americans still think Trump should remain in office, according to the Economist poll. This means that he’s actively losing his own supporters.
The key here is that while we’re seeing a different polling outlet announce new impeachment poll numbers each day, and it’s tricky to compare apples to oranges, all of these polls are headed in the right direction – which means they’re corroborating each other. The worse the impeachment polls get for Donald Trump, the more House and Senate Republicans will selfishly conclude that they have to throw Trump overboard in order to protect their own careers. This will only get uglier for Trump in the coming days.