History will be very kind to Joe Biden

I watched President Joe Biden’s Democratic National Convention speech tonight, as did all of you. I could recap the highlights, but you already saw it. I could tell you how great it was, but you already know that. I could tell you what it means, but I suspect you already know that as well.
Instead I’m simply going to say this: Joe Biden’s speech tonight made me very proud of my efforts to get him elected to begin with. It was never just about getting rid of Trump. It was about wanting something better. It was about believing in decency. It was about believing that good could prevail over evil. Electing Joe Biden was about who we could be as a country, and as humans.
I could say more about Joe Biden’s speech, but there’s no need. There are times when politics is fuzzy and I feel compelled to provide clear context. Then there are times like tonight, when everyone instantly understands the meaning of it all. So I will simply say this: history will be very kind to Joe Biden. Goodnight.