Hillary Clinton steamrolls Chuck Todd

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Chuck Todd gets dragged by Palmer Report a fair amount and rightfully so – as his show is the embodiment of just about everything wrong with American political journalism. He desperately tries to play to both sides in the name of objectivity even though heโ€™s openly admitted in the past that he knows Republicans are considerably more dangerous and anti-democratic than the other team. In trying to cater to an audience across the political spectrum, heโ€™s managed to win over almost no conservative leaning viewers who already have an array of right-wing outlets to choose from, while inviting Republican politicians to lie to a mainstream audience and angering his liberal leaning viewers.

Fortunately, a few of his guests have grown wise to the routine – such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who appeared on his show on Sunday. He decided to interview Secretary Clinton about the current state of Ukraine – playing the seesaw between whether or not President Biden is being too aggressive on Russia or going far enough to help Ukraine. Fortunately, Clinton was having none of it – amplifying the message that Secretary Blinken is already sending: โ€œWe are going to support the Ukrainians, the people and the government of Ukraine, as they try to figure out what for them is the best way forward, and that I think is exactly the right position for the United States, Europe and the West and other countries to take.โ€

Secretary Clinton is exactly right – pointing out where the Democrats need to be in lockstep beyond 2022 – until Putin is no longer in power. They must be the party standing up for democracy both at home and abroad, particularly when the opposition has made no secret of where they stand.

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