House Democrats pile on after Donald Trump regime’s latest leak

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This week Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton “accidentally” left a notepad in plain view which suggested that the Trump regime was planning to send troops the South America, a clear hint at an invasion of Venezuela. Trump isn’t within a million miles of having the political leverage to start a war, and lots of people suspect Bolton did it on purpose just to try to scare people. But House Democrats aren’t scared of the empty threat in the least.

Democratic Congressman Gregory Meeks responded by posting this image to Twitter of his own “accidental” yellow notepad leak, which said “President Trump does not have the authority to invade Venezuela”:

This led others to do the same. Democratic Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon posted this yellow notepad:

Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu announced that he was “Getting a snack” and then posted this picture of himself at a vending machine:

Donald Trump and the remaining members of his collapsing administration can make all the hollow threats they want. At this point it’s clear that the Democrats are posted on the actual threat that Trump represents to America, and not the nonsense that Trump is trying to scare everyone with.

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