Donald Trump is hiding under his desk
Hey Donald Trump. Where are you right now? Where are you hiding? Why are you hiding? Are you afraid of the mess you made? That’s right, you made this mess. Every problem we’re facing right now, you either created it or you made it worse. That was your game all along, right? Turn America into a wasteland for your own gain. Well where are you now?
It’s gotten away from you, hasn’t it, Donald? You didn’t want it to to go this far, did you? You just wanted the illusion of social upheaval, so you could beat your chest and insist that even more racism and fascism is the only solution. But now we’re facing actual social upheaval, and people want to know why things keep getting worse on the President’s watch, and you’ve got nothing.
Look at your poll numbers, Trump. They’ve spent all month trending downward, and as things now stand, you’re not even in contention for November. You’re in such a bad place that if you and your Republican Party weren’t so tied at the hip, they’d be trying to figure out how to replace you with a new 2020 candidate with a better chance of winning.
But then you know you’re hosed, don’t you, Donald Trump? That’s why you’re hiding under your desk right now instead of trying to lead. Your own sick game has gotten away from you, and you have no idea how turn this around as your own prospects slip away from you. Fine. Stay under your desk. Better yet, resign now, while you can still negotiate some kind of plea deal. You’re going to prison when this is over anyway.