Hey Bill Barr, what was all that back there?

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The coroner’s report says that Jeffrey Epstein did indeed commit suicide. There were irregularities such as the broken bones in his neck, but nothing convincing enough to presume that some Epstein co-conspirator managed to somehow pull off some kind of cartoon villain level murder coverup.

There’s just one question here that keeps resurfacing, and it’s one we shouldn’t let go of: why did Donald Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr, right out of the gate, treat this like something that was going to have to be covered up? He began reassigning prison personnel and crafting a narrative about how their negligence led to Epstein’s death, long before any of the facts were known.

If there wasn’t anything to cover up here – and the preponderance of the available evidence says there indeed wasn’t anything to cover up here – then why did Barr approach this like it was yet another Donald Trump crime that he’d have to mop up? Did Barr just assume from the start that Trump and his allies might have had something to do with it? Is Barr simply so deep down the corruption rabbit hole, he instinctively approaches everything like a coverup?

This goes back to when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested. Bill Barr’s Department of Justice initially announced that he was recusing himself from the probe, for flimsy reasons. Then the next day, Barr’s DOJ announced that he wouldn’t be recusing himself. Then after Epstein died, Barr decided that he was only recused from the parts of the probe that he didn’t want to have to answer questions about. We simply need to know why Barr is behaving like this.

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