Herschel Walker runs and hides

There’s a reason Senate candidate Herschel Walker didn’t show up to the Republican primary debate. He enters the race with strong name recognition in Georgia from his football days there, so his initial polling numbers are pretty decent. But he’s a complete idiot, as evidenced by the interviews and rally speeches he’s done so far. So every time he speaks in the political arena, his numbers are in danger of dropping.
This is why I’m not panicking about Walker’s decent initial poll numbers. Even he thinks his numbers can only go down the more he talks. While he may get away with skipping the primary debates (comparatively few people tend to pay attention to Senate primary races), he’d face too much blowback if he skips general election debates. Even if he wins the GOP primary in absentee fashion, at some point he’ll have to speak in the general election.
But all you have to do is show anyone in Georgia any clip of Walker talking about politics, and – even if they’re a Republican – they’ll probably end up less likely to vote for him, in the primary or general election. This is a huge opportunity for us.
If the idea of Walker becoming a Senator scares or repulses you, now is the time to work with the Warnock campaign (click here), or Stacey Abrams’ Georgia efforts (click here), or however you can make yourself useful – whether you live in Georgia or not.
If you don’t have time to volunteer, you can still use your existing social media presence to help in this race. Debate skipper Herschel Walker does not want anyone to see him speaking about politics. So post his previous clips where he says stupid things, and make them go viral.
There are so many ways big and small that you can help Warnock defeat Walker. Tweeting “oh no I think we’re going to lose this race” is not one of them. Fretting and defeatism are how you lose. Set all that aside, and instead do something to help Warnock win!