Herschel Walker just found an entirely new way to embarrass himself
We always knew Herschel Walker was stupid. That’s a given. We also knew that he was rather insane. That is also a given. But we’ve just found out Walker is evil too. He is evil and a huge threat to Georgia.
Walker was doing a campaign event in Rome, Georgia, when he unraveled, and the evilness came popping out. First, he told supporters they shouldn’t vote for Senator Walker because he “wasn’t a good Christian.”
Gee — like Herschel is? I don’t think his many ex-girlfriends and son Christian got THAT memo. But that isn’t the worst of it. Walker then went on to suggest this country needs more dead patriots. He talked about the Star Spangled Banner and British ships that “fired at our American flag.”
“That flag stayed there because every time that flag got ready to hit the ground, a dead patriot laid against it to keep it up.”
Then he suggested that the time has come for us to “get patriots.”
“Because I tell people this,” Walker explained. “I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees.”
The implications are unmistakable. It’s just macabre. It’s macabre and one can see the evil brewing in Walker’s speeches, which are becoming increasingly psychotic. Walker isn’t a good guy. We knew that. But in his increasing desperation to win the Peachtree state, his rhetoric is becoming more unhinged, more dangerous with each passing day.
And that is why we must support Senator Warnock. The difference between the two candidates — the shocking variances — is like dark and light.
Walker is dark to Warnock’s light, madness to Warnock’s sensibility, and evil to Warnock’s goodness. Yes, we knew Herschel Walker was not fit for office. But now we also know he is as evil a candidate as any Trump sycophant.
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