Herschel Walker can’t keep up this facade for the entire election

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In a match-up of liars featuring Donald Trump and Herschel Walker you might assume that Walker would come out on top. According to a report from Rolling Stone, they sound like twins. No wonder Trump loves Walker so much. Like Trump, Walker has been lying about his business finances. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? This has apparently been news for some time, as Associated Press reported on it last summer and exposed Walker’s inflated earnings for his business Renaissance Man Food Services. In addition to exaggerated claims of financial success, a recent court case has people questioning whether Walker even owns much of the business or is merely loaning his name for support. Just what we need: Another crook in Washington.

Rolling Stone points to a piece from the Daily Beast (“DB”) that reveals Walker’s business record has a “particularly egregious false claim,” going so far as to report that Walker lays claims to companies that don’t even exist. What in the world is the point of this? First, Walker claims he is worth over $29 million. Now, if we can’t believe so-called truths surrounding his “businesses,” why would we believe his self-proclaimed wealth numbers? What DB uncovered is interesting but not all that shocking when one considers with whom Walker pals around. Walker has claimed to run “the largest minority-owned food company in the U.S.” Not only that, but Walker claims to own chicken plants in various states and an upholstery business that he called “the country’s largest minority-owned apparel company.” Through a bit of digging, it has been uncovered that Walker does not even own the upholstery company or have any stake in the company he sometimes called Renaissance Manufacturing and other times, Renaissance Hospitality. It turns out that Walker had some type of agreement with the real owner, and that real owner is not Walker.

Walker obviously knew he didn’t own this business, yet as DB reported, that didn’t stop him from bragging on his “sole proprietorship” or claiming that he started the company. Walker belongs on Fantasy Island, as he has been conducting this hoax for a few years now. With some of this information in hand, DB dug into South Carolina’s business records and could not find Walker’s name on one thing associated with either of these businesses. Walker used these outlandish claims to call himself a “winner.” Yeah, just like his buddy Trump. No, honey, you are a class A loser and a liar. Now, if this man lies about things that can so easily be proven false, he’s not very bright. Then again, all you need to do is listen to him speak (or attempt to do so), and you get a pretty good idea of just how bright the man is.

Once again, we have someone running for office who has no business being near public office, let alone in it, and many believe his reluctance to participate in debates has to do with his tall tales. He can certainly expect opponents to take full advantage of his lies. Of course, he can continue to keep his head under his blanket and hope no one notices, but that is highly unlikely to happen.

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