Here’s what the Kamala Harris campaign is doing about Trump-GOP 2024 election overthrow efforts

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One of the most frequent questions I get asked is whether the Republicans will try to overturn the 2024 election. Of course they will. They always try this kind of thing. I’ve also said that this shouldn’t be our focus, because there are other people to handle the legal side of this, and our role in this is a very different one.

Specifically, I’ve said that “people like Marc Elias are going to do Marc Elias things.” He’s the lawyer who led the legal charge in keeping Trump and the Republicans from overturning the 2020 election results. Ever since then he’s been busy fighting battles to allow more voting access in red states and such. There will be legal battles in the wake of the 2024 election results, and Elias will once again lead the charge. Except now it turns out he’ll be doing it as a Harris-Walz attorney.

That’s right, the Kamala Harris 2024 campaign has now hired Marc Elias to help with the legal battles that it knows it’ll have to fight and win after it wins the election. In fact the Harris campaign has assembled a massive legal team for this specific purpose. Elias is the start of the show, but it’s a huge operation within the campaign.

This is why you and I don’t have to sit around and worry about this sort of thing. We’re not attorneys. We’re not legal activists. We’re not going into court and fighting these battles. That’s up to the lawyers. Our side has the best election lawyers, and now our candidate has brought the very best election lawyer in-house. Meanwhile many of the highest profile election lawyers on the Republican side are indicted or disbarred.

So let’s stop fretting about the legal side of the election results. That’s not our job. But we do have a related job. Back in the 2000 election, Republicans came within about five hundred votes in the deciding swing state, and so they were able to steal it in court. But in the 2020 election, Republicans only came within about twenty thousand voters in the deciding swing state, and so they weren’t able to steal it in court.

Our role is to make sure that Kamala Harris wins the close swing states by sizable margins. We want to win by 20,000 or 50,000 votes, not by 500 or 1000 votes. That way, when the Marc Elias types go into court to battle the Republican election challenges, they’ll have a far easier time of winning. In other words we have to run up the score.

We do that the same way elections are always won. We focus our donations, volunteering, and get out the vote efforts on the closest swing states in the presidential election, which are Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. We also focus on the closest Senate races (Montana and Ohio in that order) and the closest House races (there are 22 of them). If we do our job on the ground and run up the score, and then we let Marc Elias and the Kamala Harris legal team do their job in court, we’ll be fine. Now let’s go win this, and win it big.

Alert from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win and we're going to win this election, but we need your help. Please donate $5, $25, or $47 right away and help Palmer Report keep fighting for you:
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