Here’s the thing about the 2024 state legislature elections

There’s been a lot of consternation lately about state legislatures certifying the election results. I choose not to sit around panicking about this, because we have election lawyers like Marc Elias and the Republicans don’t. That said, if you’re worried about state legislatures, the most effective way to deal with the problem is to fix it.

To that end, we’re now fundraising for the Democratic candidates in the most competitive state legislatures in each state. The fun part about this is that because the campaign budget for the average state legislature race is so tiny, we can make a major difference with a relatively small amount of donations.

It turns out there are two hundred competitive state legislature races around the nation. So we’ve split them into five different ActBlue pages by state. Pick the state you think is most important, or the state you live in, or donate to all five pages. Remember, ActBlue money goes directly to the candidates. Do what you can with this list:

State legislature races in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, and Florida: click here

State legislature races in Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Maine: click here

State legislature races in Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Montana: click here

State legislature races in Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma: click here

State legislature races in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming: click here