Here we go again…

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Just two years ago, Republicans changed history forever, as their right-wing appointed judges agreed to hear a SCOTUS case that spelled the end of Roe v. Wade, the landmark court case that guaranteed the right to a safe and legal abortion across the country for five decades. What was once unthinkable quickly settled in – as well as the very real possibility that every major social advancement made in the last fifty or even sixty years was at stake.

In response, President Biden and his administration have fought aggressively for everything provisions on reproductive health entail – particularly fighting against SCOTUS when it comes to banning medication abortion, fighting for a woman’s right to emergency care in a decision expected to come imminently, and the Dept of Health and Human Services is bolstering health care privacy, all while expanding contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act and strengthening access through the Title 10 program.

Although the Biden administration is prepared to meet the moment, and a number of Democratic governors have also begun stockpiling medications in the event Republicans try to push a national abortion ban, the only way to reverse SCOTUS’ ruling is with a Democratic president and Democratic Senate that will continue to appoint judges and justices that respect the rule of law – and hand the Republicans yet another loss when it comes to preserving this fundamental right. Let’s put the work in now to re-elect President Biden and a Democratic Senate and flip the House on Nov 5.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads and is now a reader supported site. We're coming up on a hard budget deadline and we need your help. Donate now:
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