Here go the Republicans trying to sabotage President Biden again

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While things like reproductive rights and civil rights are typically mentioned by Democratic canvassers to motivate voters in elections, and both are consequential issues that get significantly curtailed under Republican leadership, one of the things that gets frequently overlooked are foreign relations – particularly as the GOP becomes increasingly more isolationist and nativist in its rhetoric.

We’ve already seen this play out as the GOP did everything in their power to sabotage a nuclear agreement with Iran under President Obama, only for the former guy to scrap the deal within the beginning of his administration while constantly dangling the threat of war with Iran – something neither country is prepared for.

Now, as President Biden tries to reinstate a type of nuclear treaty with Iran, he’s being met again with Republicans who are opposed to any kind of progress – likely so they can exploit tensions between the US and Iran to score political points. Several retired army generals, however, are now speaking out – saying that as long as there is no deal in place, things are going to only get worse, with Iran getting more reckless in its effort to build a nuclear weapon.

Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson, himself a former Republican, even went so far as to say: “It just shows how sick, truly sick the Republican Party is right now that they would not be able to support a deal like this with Iran.” The GOP is not just a threat to stability at home – but also to the rest of the world as they sacrifice the reputation of the US in the name of playing politics – and this alone is why we should do everything we can to keep them out of power.

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