Here comes the Republican clown car

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It appears we have a potential caravan of clowns to deal with. According to a Politico article, many Republicans are gearing up to run for President in 2024. That will be if Trump doesn’t run.

Now, we know Trump isn’t going to run. So yes, it appears the clown show that is distant on the horizon may come barreling toward us in 2024: “If Trump doesn’t run, I think everybody runs.”

This is from the Politico article, and these words were reportedly spoken by none other than Ted Cruz. “Every name you’ve heard, every name you haven’t heard.” This could be interesting. I do not doubt that this potential will become a reality. Why? Because these goobers are in office for one reason only — power.

And getting the key to unlock the treasure trove — the Presidency, why wouldn’t they try? I have mentioned before I doubt very much any of the old and tired names we hear about regularly will EVER be able to become the nominee. But let’s have a look, shall we? Here is who I believe might run.

Ron DeSantis. DeSantis won’t win. He’s joyless. Serious question — has anyone ever seen him smile? I’m serious.

DeSantis has let power go to his head. He thinks people like him. In truth, Desantis is an obnoxious idiot who doesn’t stand a chance.

Marco Rubio — hopefully, we can oust him from the Senate, but nonetheless, Rubio will want to run. I think any Palmer Report reader has a much better chance at winning than little Marco.

Some more contenders? Marcia Blackburn. Tom Cotton. Josh Hawley. Ted Cruz. Lindsey Graham. Chris Christie. Horrible Haley. Mike Pence. Tim Scott.

None of them have a chance. They let their cowardice do the talking for them—their all insincere mannequins struggling mightily for relevance. I think we have not yet met the GOP Presidential candidate of 2024. I could be wrong. But rest assured, whoever it might be, this will be someone we can and must defeat.

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