Here comes the looniest CPAC yet

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

There is an event coming up that will most likely be garnering a lot of headlines. It is also an event I sort of wish I could attend — as a fly on the wall. This event promises to bring the crazy to new levels, and if I were a fly, it might just be worth buzzing around because I can almost guarantee all hell will be breaking loose.

This event is called CPAC. We all know about these lowly Republican conventions. Who can forget the one where a shiny golden statue of the Lord of the lies was brought out so Republicans could worship it?

Only this particular CPAC promises to be just possibly the looniest one yet. Here’s why: The event, taking place later this month in Orlando, Florida is, featuring many insurrectionist supporting speakers.

Trump, of course, will be there. Reportedly he is confirmed to speak. This is the first issue. I don’t believe one could call what Trump does “speaking.” I think CPAC might be better served by calling it what it is — the ravings of a madman.

Moving on, we arrive at Florida Non-Governor Ron DeSantis, who will also be there. This is almost guaranteed to cause a bit of drama because, reportedly, the two men cannot stand each other.

And neither backs away from a good fight. So, it will be interesting to see how these two planetary disturbances align. It could be just a tiny disturbance, but then again — it could be a rip-roaring cataclysmic event.

Also appearing there is the king of screams himself, Gym Jordan. Now that will be interesting, especially since Jordan is fervently hoping the January 6 committee doesn’t subpoena him. And one kind of suspects Trump won’t be able to resist pumping Jordan for information about all this.

Marco Rubio will also be there, most likely acting afraid of his own shadow as usual. And the interesting news about Rubio’s appearance is little Marco has just come out in support of Mike Pence.

This practically guarantees an insane reaction from a certain orange person who is usually not shy about spitting out his anger to whoever is the recipient of this rage. So, all in all, CPAC is a disaster just waiting to happen. Perhaps, I would not want to be a fly on the wall after all. The shit-show that might break out is most definitely not going to be pretty.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer