Here comes the cavalry against Jim Jordan
A George Clooney-produced documentary on the Ohio State sexual abuse scandal is coming to HBO. The feature-length vehicle will focus on Richard Strauss, the Ohio State wrestling team doctor who sexually abused at least 177 male student-patients from the 1970s until his suspension from duties in 1996. The documentary will also expose Ohio State officials who were aware of that abuse as early as 1977.
Chief among those officials who will be exposed as water-carriers for Strauss will be the jacketless, yellow tied, yellow-spined little twerp Congressman Jim Jordan. Jordan clearly knew of the abuse going on at the time but chose the coward’s way out by doing absolutely nothing about it. Jordan denies this, of course, but several people have come forward saying that Jordan is lying.
One particularly damning bit of testimony comes from the brother of one of the victims. In February 2020, Adam DiSabato, the brother of Mike DiSabato, testified before the Ohio House Civil Justice Committee that Jordan called him on the phone several times “crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother.” Adam DiSabato described Jordan as a coward. Jordan denies that the conversation took place. (If only there had been tapes!)
Such documentary exposés have historically done extreme damage to sexual predators and their enablers. For example, the documentary “Leaving Neverland” was toxic for the memory of Michael Jackson. While such documentaries also stir up a great deal of controversy they are usually unwelcome by the guilty. Put another way, the coming documentary about Strauss is not going to exonerate Jim Jordan.
What this documentary will do to Jordan’s political career remains to be seen. One thing is for sure, Jordan will not welcome it. The Ohio State scandal has been Jordan’s Chappiquidick, preventing him from seeking higher office. It is doubtful that he will ever be a candidate for president. The documentary will bring back unwelcome conversation about a scandal Jordan desperately wants to hear the end of. It will continue to undermine his political legitimacy.
The whole topic is extremely irritating to Jordan, as anyone can easily observe by his reactions when it’s brought up. The scandal showcases Jordan’s only real chance in life to be a hero, and he blew it. He could have stepped in, defended his wrestlers and loudly exposed Strauss for his crimes. It could have been his proudest and most defining moment. I am sure now he wishes he had done things differently.
Instead Jordan chose to remain silent and by his silence give his assent. In short, he behaved as he still behaves, as a shill for the establishment, as a voice who even today refuses to speak truth to power. Adam DiSabato said it best: Jim Jordan is a coward. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.
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Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.