Here comes the cavalry

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Earlier this week CNN’s Jake Tapper – yes, the same Jake Tapper who sat there like a burnt out lightbulb while Trump lied his way through the debate – tried to hype a story about how Democratic Governors were supposedly trying to push President Biden out of the 2024 race. The whole thing turned out to be such BS that Tapper was forced to delete his tweets about it.

Now it turns out prominent Democratic Governors are speaking out in support of President Biden’s candidacy, including Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, Governor Wes Moore of Maryland, and Governor John Carney of Delaware. We can’t bring ourselves to turn on CNN right now, but we’re guessing that the network is saying nary a peep about the story.

In any case, it’s clear that the cavalry is indeed arriving in support of President Biden. Democratic Governors are publicly backing him. We’re going to see leading House and Senate Democrats do the same. The only question is whether the media will admit that any of this is happening, or whether the media will ignore what’s really happening in favor of its fictional storylines. Donate to Palmer Report

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