Here comes GOP panic mode

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It’s official. The GOP has officially entered panic mode. This is because Kamala Harris has swooped in and grabbed hold of the polls. More and more polls show that Donald Trump ‘s lead has evaporated.

As if that news wasn’t bad enough, many in GOP land are reportedly mortified by Trump going wild on stage and insulting black journalists. But even that isn’t the end of it. Trump’s reaction to the prisoners coming home from Russia is reportedly giving Republicans many a sleepless night because Trump does not appear to give a damn about them.

He hasn’t inquired as to how they are. He hasn’t said ONE DAMN THING about them. All he’s done is rail against Biden and Harris’s deal. Trump, who never met a subject he didn’t get jealous over, seems to be in some self-made competition with Biden and Harris, a competition that nobody but him gives a damn about.

Reportedly down-ballot candidates are also steaming mad at Trump. They say he is effecting their chances. And there’s nothing they can do about it. This is because THEY created this monster, and now THEY have to watch him as he loses the election. They can’t tell him to stop. They can’t do that because, first of all, they’re all terrified of him, and second, I imagine most know that wouldn’t work anyway.

“T WAS AWFUL. The entire exchange was embarrassing.” This comment comes from a republican who wanted to stay anonymous, undoubtedly afraid of pushback from his royal asshole.

It is undoubtedly not helping republicans that they are also saddled with a VP who seems happiest when denigrating women. I mean, think about it. I am sure many Republicans expected another Mike Pence, a serious fellow who could be trotted out to counteract Trump’s insanity.

Instead, they got—well, they got THIS. They got a woman-hating, dishonest charlatan. No, I don’t suppose this is going to help. So as we go forward and the GOP’s candidate descends into more crazy with each passing day, I’d so rather be us than them right now.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.