Here are the SEVEN highly competitive Senate races that will decide the 2024 majority

Each election cycle there about 34 Senate races in total. But only a handful of them end up being competitive, because most states are either too red or too blue to be in play. The key to winning the Senate majority is to focus on the handful of states that have a roughly equal number of Democratic and Republican leaning voters.

As with every election cycle, in 2024 we’re going to focus exclusively on the Senate (and House) races that are going to be close enough that we can make a difference in the outcome. Right now there are four “toss up” Senate races and three “lean Democrat” Senate races, according to the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. We’ll be using that as our guidepost.

STEP ONE in keeping the Senate majority is to get these nine Democrats reelected. Donate if you have the money. Volunteer if you have the time. If you don’t have the time or money, follow them on Twitter and retweet them whenever they post donation links, so others will see it. Donation links below are taken directly from the candidates’ official websites:

“Toss up” Senate races

Montana, Democratic Senator Jon Tester • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

Nevada, Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

Ohio, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

Michigan Democratic candidate Elissa Slatkin • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

“Lean Democrat” Senate races

Arizona, Democratic candidate Ruben Gallego • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

Pennsylvania, Democratic Senator Bob Casey • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

Wisconsin, Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin • Campaign websiteDonateVolunteerTwitter

So that’s it?

Yes, as of now. The Democrats are safely on track to win the Maryland Senate race, so we’re only going to get involved in that race if something fundamentally changes there.

And for all the hype about the Senate races in Florida, Texas, and Tennessee, none of them are currently rated as being remotely competitive. The Republicans are sadly on track to win all three races by sizable margins. So again, we’re only going to get involved in those races if something fundamentally changes in any of those states.

However if we win all seven of the above “toss up” and “Lean Democrat” races (which isn’t that difficult to do), then President Kamala Harris will have a fifty seat de facto Senate majority, which will allow her to get federal judges and Supreme Court Justices confirmed. So let’s focus on winning the seven above races, and give Harris the Senate majority she needs and deserves.