Hell hath no fury

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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The Handmaid’s Tale was fiction. The story told of the handmaids and their tragic fate. But what about the men? Why did they do this? Because they could.

I once wrote an article for Palmer Report solely about the “because I can” answer. This is why many people engage in cruelty. It’s simply because they can. There is no complicated explanation needed. They’re cruel, they’re inhumane, and they do evil because they can — Period.

And if we do not win in the midterms, “because I can” will become a rallying cry for Republican men. Let’s take a look at their vile plans for women and what they might be capable of should they win.

Male lawmakers — several — in the state of Indiana say they will not be happy until the criminal statutes are changed so that women who have abortions are prosecuted criminally, in the same manner a woman who drowns her baby would be.

They want any abortion-seeking female to face murder charges. It is bill HB813. This might sound unbelievable to you. But I assure you it’s true. They have no regard for women. They see women much as the men in Handmaid’s Tale do.

And then there is the national abortion ban. Think it won’t happen? Think again. Lindsey Graham has now declared that abortion rights should NOT be left up to the states. See how fast they run and backtrack? It’s because they can.

And don’t believe Moscow Mitch when he says he doesn’t want a national abortion ban. Of course, he does. He said so only a few months ago.

So there is more on the table than many realize. We are in an existential battle of good and evil. If we do not win, women will lose their independence. Some will die. Some will be imprisoned. It’s up to us to ensure that does not happen and that America stays America — not Gilead. It is also up to us to put our all into these races — because we can.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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