HB 807

I did not yet know as a child and had not yet learned, that I was born having distinct disadvantage because of my gender. I was born as a woman. I am and have always been proud to be a woman. However, I did not know (how could I know) that years from my birth, many decades from my birth, I’d join a long line of my fellow sisters who were engulfed in a war we never wanted to fight.
That is — the GOP war — against women. It has been years in the making, these hubris-filled Republican warriors armed to the teeth with weapons such as hate, fear, powerlessness, and rage. Since the birth of Trumpism, they have tried — oh, how they’ve been attempting — to grab our agency, to remove it, to take it by the hands and throw it into the murky waters below.
An example of such efforts: Missouri state Rep. Phil Amato has introduced a new bill! This bill has women in its crosshairs. Should it pass, it would chip away at our foundations still more, by requiring Missouri to maintain a data base tracking women’s pregnancies.
They would pay particular attention to women “who are at risk of having an abortion.” You know, my friends, I have read thousands of books. I’ve read many books in the fantasy genre, reading stories of adventure, dystopian worlds, glittering sword fights, and women as fierce as brilliant flashes of lightning, who are forced to fight for their very survival whether said woman be a princess or Goddess or queen.
I’ve been on history’s pages, watching shining, wonderful women do fictional and nonfictional wonderous things. But never in a million light years did I EVER think any of this could come true
And yet it has. HB 807 is the name of this bill, and people are noticing, and fury is erupting. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” “You people are crazy!” Yes, so let’s spread the word. Like many people before us, we didn’t think it would come to this. But as always, we will defeat them. Tell everyone you know about Bill HB 807. Tell them to remember it, to fight alongside us for women’s autonomy and independence everywhere.